NOTE: Mini Macs may only be required for Tuesday and Thursday. Additionally, we are actively looking at moving some of the older and more experienced Mini Macs to Tykes. As well, we are doing the same with the more advanced and experienced Tykes, moving them to Bantams. As such, it is important that your child be at training camp in order to be evaluated, and more importantly to learn the fundamentals of Safe Contact.
We are still working with the city to secure practice fields, and these should be completed by the end of next week. At which time, we will then communicate the location of the practices. We anticipate that once soccer has completed with all of its finals, that the fields and times will become secured. We again thank you for your patience in this, as we continue to work to ensure a great season for your kids.
All games will be Saturdays, with our last day being Thanksgiving Monday.
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