
November, 2019 – Revisions  






To recognize Joe MacDonald’s contribution to the community, this league will provide for the

development of football skills in youth 5 to 14 years of age.



  1. To provide the City of Greater Sudbury youth with an opportunity to play football.
  2. To establish conditions conducive to the safety and enjoyment of the participants.
  3. To improve the caliber of the game of football by developing players, coaches, officials, trainers and administrators.
  4. To achieve high standards of moral development and citizenship through participation in amateur football.
  5. To obtain sufficient funds for the successful operation of the football league.
  6. To promote and increase the participation in the game of football in the City of Greater





1.1. NAME:  

Joe MacDonald Youth Football League (JMYFL)


1.2.1  The JMYFL will be affiliated with the City of  Greater Sudbury.

1.2.2  The JMYFL shall not have the name of any sponsors in it’s name or logo in order to preserve the League’s identity.

1.2.3  The Joe MacDonald Youth Football League name, team names, or logo(s) may not be used, recreated, or referenced without the express written consent of the Joe MacDonald  Youth Football League executive members.





 2.1.1  President




           Director of Football Development and Safety

           Director of Player Registration

           Directors at Large

           Director of Equipment

           Game Day Co-ordinator


2.2.1  Officers shall be elected to serve for the period of one year.

2.2.2  Election of officers shall take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

2.2.3  In the event positions cannot be filled at the AGM a by-election will be held later to fill the positions.

2.2.4  If an officer leaves in midterm, said officer’s position will be filled internally.

2.2.5  All Officers of the League must undergo a “Criminal Record Check” in accordance with the League’s discretion.  Officers of the League will be required to adhere to the process following their election, which takes place at the Annual General Meeting. The League will bear the cost of the “Criminal Record Check” for League Executives, coaches, and volunteers. 

2.2.6 At the AGM, during the election of officers, no more than one-third (1/3) of the existing positions in the League may be filled by new members.  In the event that there are more than one-third positions vacant, the president may post pone the election of officers.


2.3.1  To preside at Executive, League and Annual General Meetings and to present dates and agendas for such meetings.

2.3.2  To act as the spokesperson for the League.

2.3.3  To have the authority to inquire into any matters pertaining to the affairs of the League and ask any representative to attend any meeting.

2.3.4  To exercise powers of the Executive in emergency situations.

2.3.5  To act as signing officer for the League.


  1. 4.1 To act as the second Chief Executive Officer.

2.4.2  To exercise the powers of the president in that person’s absence.

2.4.3  To act as the liaison between League sponsors and the executive. 

2.4.5  To work with the treasurer to develop a League budget.


2.5.1  For all Executive, League and Annual General Meetings:

  1. a) make all necessary arrangements;
  2. b) send out notices of meetings;
  3. c) distribute agendas;
  4. d) record and distribute minutes.

 2.5.2  To receive notices of motion to members at least one week before the annual meeting.

 2.5.3  To retain records of team and player registration

 2.5.4  To keep a League record.


2.6.1  To report all monies received by the League in a bank account for this sole purpose.

2.6.2  To disburse any debts of the League upon receipt of official voucher, invoice or receipt.

2.6.3  To present a financial statement of income and disbursements to the regular meetings of the Executive and the League.

2.6.4  To receive committee estimates of costs from the pre-season meetings and to pay these costs upon approval of  the Executive.

2.6.5  To present a statement of League finances upon the request of the executive at a time determined by said body.

2.6.6  To present a statement of League finances at the AGM.

2.6.7  To act as a signing officer for the League.

2.6.8  To develop a League budget in conjunction with the vice-president.


2.7.1  To organize coaching clinics as deemed appropriate and to seek participants for such clinics.

2.7.2  To organize trainers clinics as deemed appropriate.

2.7.3  To assist League coaches as a resource person.

2.7.4  To develop player safety standards and guidelines.

2.7.5  To organize annual pre-season skills camps.

2.7.6  To develop League coaching manuals.

2.7.7  To recruit coaches.

2.7.8  To act as the liaison between coaches and Executives with regards to administrative matters.

2.10.1  To facilitate the liaison between the League and the referees.      

2.10.2  To help develop playing rules.

2.10.3  To serve on the discipline committee.


2.8.1  To develop guidelines for and organize the registration of players.


2.9.1  There is no set number of Directors at Large. That number will be determined by the number of nominees who successfully receive a majority vote at the AGM.

2.9.2  To attend League meetings.

2.9.3  To be available to assume other Executive positions.

2.9.4  To assist League operations as requested.

2.9.5  To develop and implement an advertising campaign for the player registration, banquet, Executive and coaching positions in the JMYFL organization.

2.9.6  To act as a contact during the season with the local media for the distribution of League scores and highlights.

2.9.7  To notify the community of events related to JMYFL as seen fit and approved by the Executive through radio, TV, mail outs or print media.

2.9.8 To implement fund raising activities for the JMYFL organization.

2.9.9 To be responsible for player recognition in the form of awards, banquets, pictures and BBQ.

2.9.10 To organize and administer recognition program for players.


2.12.1  To be responsible for ordering equipment.

2.12.2  To be responsible for the storage of equipment.

2.12.3  To be in charge of equipment replacement and re-certification program.

2.12.4  To be responsible for the distribution and collection of equipment.

2.12.5  To make equipment recommendations.      


2.13.1  To be responsible for running day to day games.

2.13.2  To recruit people to be timers, scorers and stick people, etc.

2.11.1  To create and distribute the playing schedules. 

2.11.2  To keep a record of standings and statistics.

2.11.3  To help in interpreting the rules and regulations.

2.11.4  To arrange and book fields for practice and games.





3.1.1  The Executive shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Football Development and Safety, Director of Player Registration, Directors At Large, Referee-in-Chief, League Convener, Director of Equipment and Game Day Co-Ordinator.


3.2.1  To have charge of the business of the League and the supervision of all committees.

3.2.2  To administer the policies laid down by the resolution passed at the annual and regular meetings of the League.

3.2.3  To rule on situations not specifically covered by the Constitution.

3.2.4  To approve all purchases and payments on behalf of the League.

3.2.5 To a maximum of two persons or up to 25% of the Executive, (whichever is less), members of the Executive can act as a coach or team representative in the League. 

3.2.6  To request a statement of League finances when deemed appropriate.

3.2.7  To manage the distribution and collection of all “Criminal Records Checks” for League  Executives, Coaches, and other volunteers as deemed necessary, as outlined in the JMYFL Policy “Criminal Records Checks – League Executives, Coaches and Volunteers”.  In addition, the League Executive will determine which persons will be accorded the privilege of participating in League activities on an annual basis, and will be responsible for communicating these decisions to those persons.




4.1.1  Roberts Rules of Order shall be followed.

4.1.2  An Executive Meeting will involve only the executive as defined in Article 3 (1.1).

4.1.3  A League Meeting involving the executive, coaches and volunteers shall take place twice annually; once before the season commences and once upon completion of the season.

4.1.4  The Annual General Meeting shall involve all members of the executive, League and the general public.

4.2. VOTING:

4.2.1  A straight majority shall pass or defeat any motion.

4.2.2  No proxy votes shall be allowed.

4.2.3  Only Executive and Honorary Lifetime members will have full voting privileges.

4.2.4  The President shall vote only in the event of a tie, in a secret ballot or in Executive elections.

4.2.5  All nominations and motions must be made through an Executive or Honorary Lifetime member.

4.3. QUORUM:

4.3.1  Executive, League and Annual General meeting – 50% plus one member.


4.4.1  The agenda for Executive meetings shall proceed as follows:

– review minutes

 – business arising from minutes

– reading of communications

– bills and accounts

– notices of motion

– report of committees

– unfinished business

– new business

– adjournment

4.4.2  The agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall proceed as follows:

– role call of Executive members

 – President’s report

– adoption of AGM minutes at the next Executive meeting

– Executive reports

– budget for the following season and future league initiatives

– new business

– constitutional amendments

 – nomination and election of officers 

– adjournment


4.5.1  All motions to amend the Constitution shall be submitted through the Executive.

4.5.2  Motions which are received in time for distribution to members will require a two- thirds majority vote of members present.


4.6.1  Changes to playing regulations for the following season shall be presented at the League meeting at the conclusion of the playing season.

4.6.2  Copies of changes will be distributed to Executive members.

4.6.3  Changes to playing regulations shall be voted on at Executive meetings only.





5.1.1  League fees will be determined annually by the Executive.


5.2.1  The Treasurer shall submit a financial statement of costs including League debits and credits to the AGM or to the first League meeting of the following year. In addition, the Treasurer will also submit recommendations of any surplus distribution as it pertains to the following years budget or future league initiatives including, but no exclusive to; league events, charitable donations, capital purchases, field and/or equipment investments, bursaries and/or scholarships, marketing campaigns, coaching development programs/courses.


5.3.1  All disbursements shall be made over the signatures of the following persons:

  1. a) President
  2. c) Treasurer

5.3.2  All disbursements over $100 must have approval of the League Executive.

5.3.3  The President and Treasurer are authorized to make disbursements of less than $100 to   

           a total of $500 per season.


5.4.1  If the JMYFL is dissolved, all assets will be distributed to the Kinsmen Club of Sudbury in accordance with Section 4.3.2 of the Lottery Licensing Policy Manual.





6.1.0  Micro Mac players must be no younger than 5 years old, and in the 6 to 7 year old range in the season for which they are registering.

6.1.1 Mini Mac players must be no younger than 8 years old, and in the 9 to 10 year old range and skill level, in the season for which they are registering.

6.1.2 Tyke players must at least 11 years old and no older than 12 years of age in the season for which they are registering. 

6.1.3  Bantam players must be at least 13 years old and no older than 14 years of age in the season for which they are registering, if they aren’t playing high school football

6.1.4 The above age restrictions are meant to serve as a guideline only, and Executive members of the League reserve the right to move players up or down between divisions. 

6.1.5  There shall be no weight restrictions.


6.2.1  A player must register prior to the second last regular season game in order to be eligible for the playoffs.

6.2.2  Players must meet regular season eligibility requirements.




7.1. DUTIES:

7.1.1  A committee shall be struck to:                         

  1. a) rule on the question of unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of players and coaches;
  2. b) administer penalties as they deem advisable;
  3.    c) rule on questions relating to the constitution’s playing regulations;
  4. d) rule on ejections of players and coaches.


7.2.1  The protest committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, the Director of Football Development and Safety, Referee-in-Chief and the League Convener or their designates.


7.3.1  A protest must be registered, in writing to the President, within 48 hours of the game in question.

7.3.2  Once notified of the protest, the President shall immediately call a meeting of the protest committee.

7.3.3  The protest committee will review the protest and make a ruling within 48 hours.





8.1.1  A schedule of games shall be drafted at a pre-season meeting of the League.


8.2.1  Changes to the schedule shall be voted on by the League Executive.





9.1.1  All coaches shall read, understand, and accept the Constitution.

9.1.2  All coaches must be approved by the League Executive.

9.1.3  All head coaches must attend a pre-season coaching clinic to be organized by the Director of Football Development and Safety.

9.1.4 All coaches, and other volunteers as directed by the League Executive, must undergo a "Criminal Record Check” in accordance with the League’s discretion.  League will bear the cost of the “Criminal Record Check” for League Executives, coaches, and volunteers.

9.1.5 All coaches shall uphold the statement of goals and the philosophy of the JMYFL.





10.1.1  The number of teams and their names will be determined at an annual pre-season meeting of the league executive.


10.2.1  The number of players per team shall be determined annually at a pre-season meeting of  the League Executive.

10.2.2  All players shall be given an equal opportunity to participate in games.


10.3.1  Canadian Amateur Football Association (CAFA) rules shall be followed in addition to the JMYFL rule book.


10.4.1  The Tyke Division shall use at least two on-field officials.

10.4.2  The Bantam Division shall use at least four on-field officials.





11.1.1. The Joe MacDonald Youth Football League was established in 1994 to honour Constable Joe MacDonald’s contribution to the Greater City of Sudbury as a police officer and as an advocate for the youth. Joe believed that children that participate in sports gain valuable skills that prepare them for life and that the community was better served from their involvement. Joe volunteered in many sports, however, his passion was football. The Joe MacDonald Youth Football League has developed thousands of boys and girls over the years and the League would like to be able to continue their support of these individuals by creating a Scholarship in his name. The Joe MacDonald Youth Football League Scholarships will be available on an annual basis to individuals that represent and exemplify the values and ethics instilled by the League. The goal of the Scholarships is to financially assist individuals who are pursuing post-secondary education, with special consideration given to those individuals that are participating in both football and scholastics.


11.2.1. Every year, up to $5,000 will be made available for consideration to those who apply for the Scholarships. In addition to providing proof of enrollment in a post- secondary institution, applicants must complete a 500-word essay discussing how their involvement in Joe MacDonald Youth Football has affected their life. Individuals will only be able to receive the Scholarship once.


11.3.1 Successful applicants should provide evidence and examples of:

  • Their experience playing in the Joe MacDonald Youth Football League
  • Their experience playing football beyond JMFYL, at the high school or other level
  • Participation in the football community as a coach, official or volunteer
  • The ideals and principles JMYFL wishes to instill in all its members


11.4.1 The deadline for applications are July 31st with any potential recipients being awarded their Scholarship on Sept 1st. A Scholarship committee, consisting of 2 members of the current executive, a member of the Greater Sudbury Police Services and a community member, will be in place prior to the July 31st deadline for application. If an applicant has a non-arm’s length relationship with an executive or committee member, that member will be excused from the committee for said applicant.





12.1.1 There shall be two (2) classes of Membership in the Joe MacDonald Youth Football League:

Active Membership

Honorary Lifetime Membership

12.2 Eligibility and Terms of Membership

12.2.1  Active Membership: shall include all elected or appointed Directors.

12.2.2  Honorary Lifetime Membership: may be bestowed upon an individual who has performed exceptional service to the JMYFL or to the betterment of youth football in the community. The Board shall nominate such individuals at the Annual General Meeting and the membership present shall vote to award such membership. Such a membership may be suspended or rescinded by the Board (and to be confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting) where the holder of an Honorary Lifetime Membership is charged and/or convicted of a criminal offence or takes an action that might bring the JMYFL into disrepute by virtue of affiliation.

12.2.3  Membership List – The Secretary of the JMYFL shall maintain a list of current Active Members and Honorary Lifetime Members, and such list of Members shall be used to determine eligibility to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting and any other meetings of the members as dutifully scheduled or called by the Executive.   

12.2.4  Right to Vote – All Active Members and Honorary Lifetime Members shall be entitled to notice of and to vote at all annual general meetings of the JMYFL. All Executive and Honorary Lifetime Members shall be notified of all JMYFL meetings and have a right to vote on any League matters.


ARTICLE 13: Resignation, Suspension / Termination of Membership


13.1 Resignation – Any Member may resign in writing to the JMYFL at any time and such resignation shall be effective upon acceptance by the Executive. 

13.2  Suspension/Termination – The Executive may, by resolution, carried by two thirds (2/3) majority of legal votes cast, resolve to suspend or terminate any membership and shall give notice of suspension or termination in writing. Suspension or termination of membership may be imposed upon a member for:

Failing to govern conduct in accordance with the JMYFL membership requirements,

Constitution of the JMYFL or any policies or regulations as may exist from time to time;


Any other reason as determined by resolution of the Executive.

13.3  Suspension of Membership – Shall mean a temporary condition that could be extended to the end of the current membership year. Privileges of membership are suspended for whatever period prescribed by the Executive but may be reinstated at any time during the  same membership year with such probationary requirements as the Executive sees fit. 

13.4 Termination of Membership – Shall mean the cessation of all membership privileges for the balance of the current membership year, without possibility of reinstatement in the same year. Any application for membership in future years may contain probationary conditions or other requirements. 


Article 14: Appeals


14.1  Any Member or registrant of the JMYFL directly affected by a decision of the League may appeal such decision.

14.2  An individual shall not appeal a decision made by the Board of Directors regarding the appointment, non-appointment, re-appointment or revocation of an appointment of an individual to any coach or administrator position within the League’s operations.





Coaches Acknowledgement Form

I, ____________________(Coach) hereby acknowledge that I have

received from Joe MacDonald Youth Football a copy of the Safe Management Policy, Player Information Form, Fair Play Agreement Form and JMYFL Coach’s Code of Ethic Form. 

Dated this _______day of __________ 20___.


Name (Please Print Clearly)





JMYFL Safe Management Policy


 Table of Contents

  1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

1.1 Parents, Coaches, Team Personnel, Officials…………………………………………………

1.2 Your Feedback is Important……………………………………………………………………….

1.3 It Does Happen………………………………………………………………………………………..

1.4 It Does Happen Here………………………………………………………………………………..

  1. Behaviours and Actions – Trying to Prevent and Eliminate……………………………………
  2. JMYFL Is Not Trying to “Prohibit Physical Contact”……………………………………………..
  3. How We Intend to Eliminate Harassment and Abuse……………………………………………

4.1 Risk Management Being Implemented…………………………………………………………

4.2 Codes of Conduct…………………………………………………………………………………….

4.3 Disciplinary Processes………………………………………………………………………………

4.4 Disciplinary Process / Players, Coaches, Assistants, Managers, Trainers,


4.5 Disciplinary Process for Parents………………………………………………………………….

4.6 Complaints / Concern, Parents / Player………………………………………………………..

4.7 Allegations / Disclosures of Harassment / Abuse……………………………………………

4.8 Screening Coaches, Team Personnel, Other Team Personnel and Officials………

  1. Rules and Guidelines……………………………………………………………………………………..

5.1 Locked Dressing Room……………………………………………………………………………

5.2 Leader Not Alone with Single Child…………………………………………………………..

5.3 Dressing Room………………………………………………………………………………………

5.4 Transportation of Players………………………………………………………………………….

5.5 Parents Pick-Up – Players After Activities……………………………………………………

5.6 Team Meetings………………………………………………………………………………………

5.7 JMYFL Representation at Games………………………………………………………………..

  1. Ground Rules for Touch or Not……………………………………………………………………….

6.1 Judgment Call, Even When It’s Difficult……………………………………………………..

  1. JMYFL Codes of Conduct………………………………………………………………………………..

7.1 Code of Conduct for JMYFL Directors………………………………………………………..

7.2 Code of Conduct for the Organization……………………………………………………….

7.3 Code of Conduct for Players…………………………………………………………………….

7.4 Code of Conduct for Parents / Spectators……………………………………………………

7.5 Code of Conduct for Coaches and Team Personnel………………………………………

7.6 Code of Conduct for Officials…………………………………………………………………..

  1. JMYFL Privacy Policy……………………………………………………………………………………..



Appendix A Player Information Form

Appendix B Fair Play Agreement

Appendix C Coach’s Code of Ethic’s

  1. Introduction

JMYFL Safe Management Policy – to help create a safer organization in which people respect one another with fun and enjoyment for the sport. This Policy outlines safety measures that JMYFL has put in place. To reduce the risks of verbal, psychological, emotional, physical, or sexual harassment or abuse in JMYFL activities; and to create measures that will allow JMYFL to move quickly and decisively if harassment or abuse happens.

1.1 Parents, Coaches, Team Personnel, Officials

JMYFL’s goal is to eliminate all forms of harassment and abuse, including physical and sexual abuse. However, JMYFL recognizes that verbal and emotional harassment and abuse are more common than physical and sexual harassment and abuse, and JMYFL will enforce zero tolerance. JMYFL’s first priority is to protect its players and at the same time, Coaches, Parents, and Officials can also be the targets of harassment and abuse. THEREFORE, every individual who participates in JMYFL activities, including the parents, guardians, or caregivers of players, will be expected to learn, know, and abide by the rules, guidelines, and Codes of Conduct being introduced. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including potential expulsion.

1.2 Your Feedback is Important

JMYFL is proactive in their effort to actively and aggressively respond to the problems of harassment and abuse. All measures being taken will be reviewed throughout the year and at the end of each season so that they can be improved for the next year. Your feedback is vital to this process. Let us know what you think: mail or e-mail comments at any time, or talk to the Directors. 

1.3 It Does Happen

JMYFL is not overreacting to the dangers of harassment and abuse? Following the introduction of anti-harassment and abuse efforts, reports were made about incidents such as hazing rituals, underage drinking encouraged by team officials, verbal and emotional abuse following bad plays, racial discrimination, abusive physical punishment, and sexual harassment and abuse.

1.4 It Does Happen Here

No allegations of sexual misconduct have ever been made in JMYFL and we intend to keep it that way. Likewise, the majority of JMYFL activities are incident-free; however, in the past there have been situations where parents and other spectators verbally abused Officials and team personnel. 

  1. Behaviours and Actions – Trying to Prevent and Eliminate

Following are the definition guides to our anti-harassment and abuse efforts. Respect all participants, striving to be a responsible (Coach, Assistant) and Abuse: Maltreatment or lack of care that causes harm to another: Harassment: Comments, conduct, or gestures that are insulting, intimidating, humiliating, malicious, degrading, offensive, or discriminatory, directed toward an individual or group of individuals. Unwanted, unsolicited, unwelcome attention or actions, which annoy another person. Harassment can include: condescending, patronizing, threatening or punishing actions, which undermine self-esteem; jokes which cause awkwardness or embarrassment, or which may endanger a person’s safety. Hazing: Unwanted physical contact; discriminatory conduct; retaliation for having raised a concern, filed a complaint, etc. Assault: An assault is the intentional application of force by one person against another, without the consent of that person. Sexual Assault: An assault committed in circumstances of a sexual nature such that the sexual integrity of the victim is violated. Child Abuse: Any form of physical, emotional and/or sexual mistreatment or lack of care, which causes physical injury or emotional damage to a child. A common characteristic of all forms of abuse against children and youth is an abuse of power or authority and/or breach of trust. Neglect: Chronic inattention to the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing. In JMYFL’s context, neglect could mean inattention to or ignoring of safety issues (such as not observing the water bottle rule). Sexual Harassment: Acts of sexual harassment are unwanted, uninvited remarks, gestures, sounds, or actions of a sexual nature that make someone feel unsafe, degraded or uncomfortable, creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive sport/recreation environment. Examples include: unwanted or unwelcome physical contact like touching, grabbing, or patting linking skills with gender, body shape or size, or sexual orientation: rude jokes or suggestive remarks of a sexual nature, demeaning nicknames, catcalls, rating, or embarrassing whistles, writing names on washroom or change room walls, insults about sexual orientation, insulting remarks about race, gender, class, or ability, stalking, unwanted physical contact or sexual flirtation or advances. Verbal Abuse: Screaming, yelling, name-calling, especially when repeated or consistent. Emotional Abuse: Attacks, especially prolonged or chronic, on an individual’s self- esteem. This is psychologically destructive behaviour, especially when it is exhibited by a person in a position of power, authority, or trust. This takes many forms, including but not limited to, name-calling, threatening, ridiculing, berating, intimidating, isolating, hazing, ignoring someone’s needs, or discriminating against that person. Physical Abuse: Takes place when a person in a position of power or trust purposely injures or threatens to physically harm someone; can include slapping, hitting, shaking, kicking, pulling hair or ears, throwing, shoving, grabbing, hazing, or requiring excessive exercise as a form of punishment. When such things are done by one adult to another, they are usually termed assault. Sexual Abuse: “The misuse of power by someone who is in authority over a child, for the purposes of exploiting a child for sexual gratification.” Sexual abuse can be of two kinds, contact or non-contact, and includes incest, sexual molestation, sexual assault and the exploitation of the child for pornography or prostitution, forcing a child to watch someone else remove clothing or perform sexual acts, fondling or touching a child in private places, forcing a child to take part in sexual activities.

  1. JMYFL Is Not Trying to “Prohibit Physical Contact”

Sexual harassment is NOT:

  • A hug between friends.
  • Mutual flirtation.
  • Sincere and personal compliments.
  • Spontaneous gestures of affection.

However, Coaches and other team personnel will be meeting with parents and players about this issue in order to establish ground rules for their teams. If an individual is uncomfortable with these rules, it is up to him or her or his or her parents or guardians to discuss it with the Coach. 

  1. How We Intend to Eliminate Harassment and Abuse

Rather than creating a large number of hard and fast rules and regulations, our risk management measures focus on people taking responsibility and being held accountable for their actions; exercising discretion and judgment in trying to prevent harassment and abuse – whoever the harasser/abuser is and whoever the target is.

4.1 Risk Management Being Implemented

The major risk management measures being implemented are outlined below. 

4.2 Codes of Conduct

JMYFL Executive has approved Codes of Conduct. Codes of Conduct establishes standards for behaviour and action that all participants will be expected to meet. This will be enforced, and behaviour and action contrary to them may lead to disciplinary measures and possibly expulsion. All participants are responsible for learning and abiding by them.

4.3 Disciplinary Processes

The following disciplinary processes will be used to deal with breaches of the Code of Conduct or the Bylaws. Players, Team Personnel, Officials and Parents are subject to a disciplinary process that conforms to JMYFL regulations. NOTE:  All games are reviewed each week by the designated JMYFL Official. Incidents warranting review are flagged for follow-up by the appropriate Executive Member and the President. A single incident will usually not result in a disciplinary hearing, unless it is required by the Organizations guidelines, or unless violence or abuse are alleged. All complaints MUST be put in writing.

4.4 Disciplinary Process / Players, Coaches, Assistants, Managers, Trainers, Officials

  1. Complaints, penalties, suspensions, or breaches of the Code of Conduct may result first in a warning being given either verbally or written.
  2. Where JMYFL regulations require it, and if the breach of the Code is not remedied or is serious enough, an individual may be called to a disciplinary hearing held by the Protest Committee.
  3. The Committee will hear evidence related to the matter, including speaking to the individual him or herself, and to other individuals who have knowledge of the incident(s). If a player is the subject of the hearing, he or she will be accompanied by a parent.
  4. The Committee will make a decision on the matter, using guidelines as applicable in their best judgment.
  5. A letter outlining the result and consequences is then sent to the individual and Protest Committee.
  6. A copy is kept on file for future reference.

4.5 Disciplinary Process for Parents

If the behaviour of a Parent causes concern, the Coaches, Parent Reps, and Member of the Executive must use common sense and good judgment. The process set out below would be used in most circumstances; however, if a parent’s behaviour is reckless, violent, or otherwise immediately threatening, then action should be taken right away to have the individual removed from the field, and the matter should be referred immediately to the Executive of JMYFL.

  1. Parents will be introduced to the Codes of Conduct through the team meetings and educational opportunities. The Coach and Parent Rep are responsible for monitoring the behaviour of parents on their team.
  2. If a parent breaches the Code of Conduct, the Parent Rep and Coach will speak with the parent, explain the problem behaviour, refer him or her to the Code, offer another copy of it, and warn him or her verbally. The Coach will keep a record of the incident and action taken on an Occurrence Report Form, and will send a copy to the JMYFL President.
  3. If the parent continues to breach the Code, the Coach and Parent Rep will involve a Member of the Executive. The Executive Member will speak to the parent, review the Code again, and issue a written warning.
  4. If the parent persists in his or her behaviour, the Coach and Parent Rep may ask the Executive Member to take the issue to the President. If a report is made to the Executive of JMYFL concerning a violation of JMYFL’s Harassment and Abuse Policy, the Executive, in their sole discretion, shall take whatever action they deem appropriate as a result of such report, which action may include a ban from fields used by JMYFL for a specific period of time.
  5. If the individual ignores this ban and shows up at a JMYFL event, an Executive Member or designated JMYFL official will ask the person to leave. If he or she refuses, the police will be called and the individual(s) will be charged with trespassing.

4.6 Complaints / Concern, Parents / Player

A process has been created to provide parents and players with a specific process they can use to raise concerns and complaints. It is important that people become familiar with the definitions of harassment and abuse that JMYFL has adopted as complaints and allegations of this type can be very serious matters, and must not be made lightly or maliciously. If they can be, issues should be resolved at the team level. Therefore, individuals should follow the process and not send complaints to the Executive, unless the situation involves allegations of abuse or serious harassment. In such cases, the individual should contact the President, or an Executive Member. The complaint will have to be put in writing.


Resolving Complaints or Concerns:

  1. Take concerns or complaints to the Coach. Discuss the situation with him and try to find a solution. The Coach will keep a record of the discussion on an Occurrence Report Form.
  2. If the issue cannot be resolved through the first step, the Parent Rep should become involved, and he/she, the complainant, and the Coach should try to resolve the issue. The Coach and Parent Rep should keep a record of the discussion and attempts at resolution. The Coach will send a copy of the information to JMYFL Executive.
  3. If the matter is still not resolved, the complainant will be asked to discuss the matter with the President. The President will ask that the complaint be put in writing if the individual wants the issue taken further and may assist the person to do this.
  4. If the President cannot resolve it, the issue will be raised, in writing, with the Executive, who will make a final decision.

4.7 Allegations / Disclosures of Harassment / Abuse

Wherever possible, JMYFL will deal with breaches of the Codes of Conduct through internal mechanisms. However, if an individual’s actions or behaviour constitute an imminent or immediate threat, the organization must and will involve outside authorities, including the police. In addition, if and when a child or youth alleges, reports, or discloses abuse, or if abuse or neglect is suspected, the individual who learns of it and the organization are morally and legally bound to report the matter to the authorities. The process that will be followed in both cases is set out below:

  1. If a child discloses or makes an allegation of abuse, he or she should be comforted, assured of protection and care, and reassured that he or she can continue to play. The individual who receives the disclosure will ask for basic information, but will not attempt to interview the child.
  2. The matter will be reported to the Sudbury Children’s Aid Society and to the Greater Sudbury Police Service. Authorities will be asked if or how the organization should notify anyone (e.g. the child’s parents) of the situation.
  3. JMYFL will not notify the individual against whom the allegation has been made or the suspicion brought. However, once the police have done so, the individual will be suspended from involvement in JMYFL activities until the situation is resolved. This may not seem fair; however, the organization’s first responsibility is to protect children.
  4. JMYFL will make decisions immediately about communication regarding the incident; the President will act as spokesperson. JMYFL will weigh the need to protect children against the need to maintain confidentiality as far as possible. People may be talking about the situation; nevertheless, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms establishes that a person charged with an offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and the organization must be careful not to defame any individual.
  5. JMYFL will assist the child protection investigation, but WILL NOT conduct a parallel internal investigation.
  6. JMYFL will decide on appropriate action regarding an individual’s involvement with JMYFL only following the completion of the official investigation and any judicial process that follows (e.g., a hearing, a trial). The organization may suspend anyone charged with a provincial or federal offence, pending the disposition of the charge, if the offence is essentially related to the position the individual holds. If convicted of an offence, individuals may be dismissed by JMYFL if the offence is essentially related to the position and if there are reasonable grounds to believe he or she poses a significant risk to children or others.
  7. Following such an incident, JMYFL will take action to help the organization and its members heal. JMYFL will look to the Greater Sudbury Police Service in particular to assist members in their efforts to deal with the situation. JMYFL commits itself to supporting the individual(s) who act on suspicions,
  8. If an incident occurs, JMYFL will undertake an immediate review of its risk assessment efforts and revise them as necessary and will redouble awareness- building and education efforts on harassment and abuse.

4.8 Screening Coaches, Team Personnel, Other Team Personnel and Officials

JMYFL has implemented a pre-screening process for Coaches and Team Officials. Currently, pre-screening processes for Coaches and Team Officials include the following:

  • Application submitted (Head Coach).
  • An interview with JMYFL Executive Members (Head Coach).
  • Criminal Records Check
  • Board Approval.
  1. Rules and Guidelines

JMYFL’s risk management measures are primarily focused on standards set out in the Codes of Conduct, and on encouraging people to use common sense, discretion, and good judgment in preventing or eliminating harassment and abuse. Following are ten (10) specific rules/guidelines, which will be monitored during the season to ensure compliance.

5.1 Locked Dressing Room

Doors to locker and dressing rooms must be kept unlocked at all times (except when the team is on the field and the door is locked for security reasons).

5.2 Leader Not Alone with Single Child

No youth or adult leader should be in a room alone with a single child at any time.

5.3 Dressing Room

The following guidelines will govern who should be in the dressing rooms before and after games. At the discretion of the Coach, team personnel (including the Coach, Parent Rep,Assistant Coach, Manager, and Trainer) may meet privately with the players for a brief period. At that time, all other people must leave the room. The door may be closed, but not locked. After the game, again at the discretion of the Coach, Team Personnel may meet briefly in private with the players. All other people must leave the room. The door may be closed, but not locked. Coaches will not be expected to help dress any player.

5.4 Transportation of Players

Regarding transportation of players, parents are reminded that it is their responsibility to provide transportation for their children to and from JMYFL activities. In exceptional circumstances, Coaches may drive children other than their own, but they will not drive alone with a child who is not their own. Parents and Coaches who drive other children should check with their insurance companies to make sure they are covered while doing so. Members are reminded that children under 12 should not be placed in the front seat if there is a passenger side airbag.

5.5 Parents Pick-Up – Players After Activities

Parents must be on time to pick up their children after JMYFL activities. When they are not, JMYFL representatives, usually Coaches are placed in a very awkward position and saddled with an unfair burden of responsibility. JMYFL may take action if a parent is consistently late.

5.6 Team Meetings

All teams will have at least one meeting during the season. All parents, players (as appropriate), and Team Personnel are to be invited by the Coach. The meeting should be held within the first two-three weeks of the start of the season. At that time, this Handbook will be distributed to all families, and Coaches will review it with parents and players.

5.7 JMYFL Representation at Games

It is impossible to guarantee that a JMYFL rep will be able to go to absolutely every game. However, JMYFL will make every reasonable effort to have an Executive Member or Parent Rep, at every game, in case there are difficulties which require his or her intervention.

  1. Ground Rules for Touch or Not

JMYFL’s intention is to prevent and eliminate harassment and abuse, not to forbid people from touching each other (e.g. Coaches patting players, etc.), nor to make people paranoid about their every move. At the same time, this is a very sensitive topic, and Team Personnel, Parents, and Players (where age-appropriate) are encouraged to talk to one another about this issue and to set ground rules that people feel comfortable with.

6.1 Judgment Call, Even When It’s Difficult

Safety of all who participate in JMYFL activities especially, children and youth, is JMYFL’s prime concern. Parents, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Managers, Trainers, Convenors, Board Members, and Officials are required and expected to take action in the face of breaches of the Codes of Conduct. In addition, all adults are required by law to report to the authorities if they “have reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is or may be in need of protection”. That legal obligation cannot be delegated to another person.

  1. JMYFL Codes of Conduct

7.1 Code of Conduct for JMYFL Directors

JMYFL Directors will adhere to all areas of the Code of Conduct in the Safe Management Policy.

7.2 Code of Conduct for the Organization

The JMYFL Executive and its designates will:

  • Do our best to see that all children are given the same chance to participate, regardless of gender, ability, ethnic background, or race.
  • Discourage any sport program from becoming primarily an entertainment for spectators.
  • Make sure that all prudent and reasonable, appropriate and necessary measures are taken on an ongoing basis to protect the safety of all members wherever JMYFL activities take place, in those programs, and at the hands of JMYFL members or others.
  • Make sure that age and maturity level of children are considered in program development, rule enforcement, and scheduling.
  • Remember that play is done for its own sake and make sure that winning is kept in proper perspective.
  • Appropriately and thoroughly screen all those who provide service on behalf of the organization, both before, but especially after they are involved, seeking to have Coaches and Officials who are capable of promoting fair play as well as the development of good technical skills.
  • Distribute, publicize, promote, and enforce the Codes of Conduct within this organization.

7.3 Code of Conduct for Players

All players and parents must sign the player agreement form.

7.4 Code of Conduct for Parents / Spectators

As the parent of a player, or as a spectator, I will:

  • Enroll my child for the pure enjoyment of the game and the opportunity to learn the skills of the sport.
  • Recognize that at a football field, my child’s development is in the hands of volunteers who are giving their time and energy for the sake of all participants.
  • Respect the decisions of the Coaches, whether at practice, special events, or during a game.  
  • Conduct myself in an adult manner by attending games, practices, special events, and by being positive and encouraging to all players at all times.
  • Encourage my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility, profanity, verbal or physical violence.
  • Never verbally abuse a Coach, Assistant, Manager, Trainer, or Official. I will remember that they have difficult jobs and will not undermine them by contradicting, interfering, or questioning their character, motivation, or judgment in public. 
  • I will not engage in or encourage gossip. I will take concerns to the proper JMYFL officials.
  • Accept that I remain responsible, as a parent, for the safety of my child while he/she is participating in JMYFL activities. I will therefore do my part to protect and enhance the safety of my child and others.
  • Understand and accept that violation of this Code may result in disciplinary action of some kind.

7.5 Code of Conduct for Coaches and Team Personnel

I understand that as a Coach (or Assistant, Manager, Trainer, Team Parent, etc.), I am in a position of trust and authority. I will:

  • Be reasonable when scheduling games and practices, remembering that players have other interests and obligations.
  • Teach my players to play fairly and to respect the rules, Officials, and their opponents.
  • Remember that players play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves.
  • Remember that participants need a Coach they can respect. I will be generous with praise and set a good example; etc.. I recognize that I am in a position of trust and power, and I will do nothing to take advantage of or abuse it.
  • I will do my best to be a competent Coach, well prepared and adequately skilled. I will obtain proper training and will attempt to upgrade and improve my skills.
  • Fulfill my obligations and responsibilities toward the team and the JMYFL, as established by JMYFL, to the best of my abilities.
  • Direct comments at an individual’s performance and not at the individual.
  • Not ridicule or yell at players for making mistakes or for performing poorly.
  • Take reasonable steps to see that equipment and facilities are safe and appropriate to my players.
  • Cooperate with Officials and refrain from public criticism of them or of other Coaches. I will put my concerns in writing and will send them to the proper individual.
  • Learn the definitions and signs of harassment and abuse, and the process for responding to allegations or disclosures, and comply with JMYFL’s safety guidelines, working to prevent physical, emotional/verbal, and sexual harassment and abuse.
  • Communicate with my players and with their parents, regularly throughout the season, so that everyone is clear about the rules and expectations, and so that we have a shared goal for the season.
  • Emphasize the importance of the Players’ and Parents’ Codes, and hold my team members and their parents accountable for compliance.
  • Recognize and accept that violations of the Codes of Conduct may result in disciplinary measures being taken against me.

7.6 Code of Conduct for Officials

As a JMYFL Official, I will:

  • Recognize that my position is one of a teacher and role model for fair play, especially where young children are concerned. I will strive to honour that role and not to abuse my position in any way.
  • Strive to see that every player has a reasonable opportunity to perform to the best of his or her ability, within the limits of the rules.
  • Work in cooperation with Coaches for the benefit of the game, and will be open to discussion, constructive criticism, and will respect and consider different points of view.
  • Take all reasonable measures to avoid or put an end to any situation that threatens the safety of players, team, team Officials, or spectators.
  • Seek to maintain a healthy atmosphere and environment for competition.
  • Not permit players to be intimidated by word or action. I will not tolerate unacceptable conduct toward myself, other Officials, players, team personnel, or spectators.
  • Strive to be consistent and objective in making my calls, regardless of the personal feelings I may have toward a player or team. 
  • Strive to handle all conflicts firmly and with dignity.
  • Obtain proper training and continually upgrade my officiating skills.
  1. JMYFL Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. Together with the Board of Directors, Coaches, and Volunteers, Joe MacDonald Youth Football stands firm and committed to maintaining our membership’s privacy. We undertake all reasonable measures to protect the privacy, accuracy and reliability of our membership’s personal information and to protect such information from misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, destruction and solicitation.  JMYFL may request personal information from our membership such as name and e-mail address. This information is for the sole purpose of meeting JMYFL requirements, opinion polls, registration etc. We do not provide this information to other organizations (except as required for registration in league or provincial bodies) or to marketing organizations.

We require our membership to maintain the confidentiality of such information and not to use it for other than JMYFL purposes. Willful breach of this confidentiality requirement will result in members being declared “not in good standing” and in the withdrawal of services.  Any misuse of membership personal information will be brought to a review Board for further action. 

Appendix A

Player Information Form

(Confidential – Submit to Head Coach)

 Name:__________________________________   Age: __________________

 Years of Tackle Football Experience: ________________

 Home Phone: ___________________

 Mothers Name: ________________________   Phone #: ________________

         (If different from home #)

 Fathers Name: _________________________   Phone #: ________________

         (If different from home #)

 Emergency Contact Name: ________________________  Phone #: ________________

 Doctor’s Name: _________________________   Phone #: ________________

Medical Information:












Appendix -A-


Fair Play Agreement

Athlete                                                                                   Parents/Guardians

I agree to:                                                                      I/we agree to:

  1. Always play by the rules.                                        1. Remember that my children participate
  2. Never argue with an official when a call is for fun.

disputed, I will let the coach or team                            2. Teach my children that honest effort is as

captain handle it.                                                               Important as winning.

  1. Remember that I’m playing because I 3. Provide plenty of encouragement

enjoy the sport.  Winning is fun, but so are                      because that’s the best way to help them

many other things about the sport.                                   Learn.

  1. Work at achieving my personal best and to 4. Teach my children that officials are an

not get discouraged if it’s not the best.                             Important part of the game and to never

  1. Show appreciation for good         question their decisions.

plays/performances, even by opponents.                     5. Encourage my children to be good sports

  1. Control my temper and not be a show-off 6. Applaud the value and effort of volunteer

                                                                                         coaches and officials.

  1. Remember that children only learn what

                                                                                        we teach them and that fair play starts at


 Use of drugs, profanity and alcohol will not be tolerated, as per JMYFL / City of Greater Sudbury.


 Player                                                                   Parent/Guardian

 ________________________________             ______________________________________

 _______________________________               ______________________________

Coach                                                                   Date



JMYFL – Coach’s Code of Ethics


  • Build self-esteem through teamwork.
  • Identify and build on each player’s strength.
  • Foster positive communication amongst parent, player and coaching staff.
  • Set a good example as role model.

On The Field Behaviour

  • Shall be of a positive nature at all times.
  • This to be accomplished by, but not limited to, making coaching decisions which are in the best interests of all the players on both teams. 
  • It is a MUST that you familiarize yourself with JMYFL playing rules.

Off The Field Behaviour

  • Shall be of a positive nature at all times, actively promoting and supporting the goals of the

JMYFL and it’s Board of Directors. 

Any coach who is found by the Board of Directors to be in contravention of the aforementioned Coach’s code of Ethics will be subject to a minimum one game suspension and possible expulsion as a coach.  A second infraction will result in immediate expulsion.

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